As for the improvement of potency in men: the list of products fast action

Male power is a fragile thing, and loosen factors can be different: Stress, ecology, and fatigue. But there is good news — to improve men's health with a special diet.

Healthy Food

The potency of the man a severe blow to a variety of causes: psychological stress, age, longer periods of abstinence, Stress, lack of exercise, bad habits can majority add. Of course, for the improvement of the erection, you should begin to live a healthy life style, stop to nervous, to find peace of mind. But it is not always possible. Don't get upset: there are special products to increase potency in men.

How it works

Products, which is the male potency is a whole list of vegetables, fruit, fish and spices, which not only improve erectile function, but increase the Libido. Do not think that the list of such products only exotic dishes: most of them find in the shops. Potency raise the products, which are rich in zinc, selenium, vitamins and trace elements. Protein is also important for the success of in the bedroom, a lot of it. An important role plays and how the products are manufactured. Try not going on the plate: the longer the food is thermally treated, the less nutrients there. Vegetables are generally best in the Form of fresh salad, seasoned with vegetable oil.

The list of products is so large that you repeat can plan the whole menu for a week and never. Man can say anything: let them wonder, an increase of pleasure, and how attractive his wife was. You such food also benefit: vegetables, spices, fish — all of this affects not only the production of testosterone, but also on beauty and health.


Which products increase potency in men? Full list of

Decide what type of food will help to quickly recover the lost Libido. But and instant results also do not expect — a lot of useful substances, need time to accumulate in the body and start practicing the useful effect on the body.


"The Royal herb" — that is, as in the ancient basilicas. And the kings always an excellent Mens Health boasts, as well as older people, they were of the fathers. So, add fresh Basil in the salad, and dried - in meat or food, the tomato.


This fragrant herb increases the testosterone levels — three hours after the meal, husband is already doing for the amorous hero. In addition, the regular consumption of parsley has a General health enhancing effects on the male body: improves the work of the intestine and the thyroid gland.


Cinnamon, a product, increases the potency, however, it has another useful feature. Frequent "misfire" in men are often the cause of self-doubt, and this spice has the property of recovering confidence in their own strength. So spoil a loved pastries with cinnamon or make her a Cup of coffee.


Since ancient times, the people known properties of ginger — a powerful aphrodisiac. He has awaken explicit sensuality effect, and Toni and helps to recover. So a Cup of tea with ginger is what you need, before the night of love.


Spicy red peppers

The folk medicine recommends to drink a hot red pepper whole dried spice is not as effective. After the meal, a man, a wave of strength and self — confidence-feel the right attitude for the successful completion of the evening.


The ancient Greeks and Romans noticed that anise has increase the ability, passion and fighting nervousness. What you will need for the harmonization of sexual sphere! Anise added to meat dishes, tea and coffee.


The scent of vanilla is almost a Synonym for coziness and warmth, therefore this spice is the best nervous tension and relieves Stress. If your husband give vulnerable to this attack, then it is simple vanilla Dessert.


This nut contains large amounts of Vitamin E, which is also called "Vitamin of youth". So that regular consumption of almonds rejuvenated, literally, the body from the inside — potency will be the same like in 20 years. There is only one condition — the almonds must be eaten raw, and not roasted.


You're looking for products for potency in men fast action? Walnut — exactly such a product. The thing is that this nut is rich in zinc and Magnesium, the production of testosterone. And yet, some of the amino acids contained in walnuts, neutralize the negative effects of alcohol and tobacco.


A month after the wedding, not for nothing called "honey" as the honey helps to prolong an erection. In addition, regular consumption of honey helps in the improvement of the quality of the sperm. The General tonic effect and improvement of immunity — a nice Bonus.


Sesame vitamins and calcium, which have a positive effect on the male Libido. is rich in B- And, it reduces anxiety and promotes stress resistance. Unpeeled sesame — level of nutrients is best in him is higher than in the treated. And sesame oil, you can fill salads.

Oysters and mussels

It is rumored that the famous lover Casanova began the day with mussels and oysters, and this is exactly what was required, the victories on the love front. Exotic shells — it is a product that increases the potency in men almost immediately. They are rich in selenium and zinc. These are substances which are involved in the activity of sperm and the production of testosterone.



Singaporean scientists many years earlier in favor of bananas proven for male potency. A group of men who participated in the study, noted that regular consumption of bananas has led to an increase in sex drive. And potassium and Magnesium, which are abundant in these yellow fruits, improve endurance and strengthen the heart.


Oranges are rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C contained in these fruits, improves blood flow to the Corpus Cavernosum of the. In addition, regular consumption of oranges and orange juice makes the people strong and well — forces remain, and love, joy.


Lemons are rich in Vitamin C and In the group, as well as Vitamin D. these vitamins are important for the people, without apathy, weakness appears and even Depression can develop. So that generous Hand, add lemon man in tea and salad from fresh vegetables with the juice of this fruit. Still, it is believed that the lemon is useful for the prevention of testicular cancer and improves the quality of sperm.


A fruit, which is really useful for the health of the man is of normal apples. They contain a number of vitamins: A, C, and group B, folic acid. All of this has a positive impact on the male force, and increases the ability to comprehend.


The Italians are known for their temper. You know, what is your secret? With each meal you consume garlic. Garlic increases the production of testosterone, which means that a positive impact on potency and Libido.


French men are not far behind — on your love-fullness of the say to the whole world. The secret is simple — on your Desk the onion soup, which had a strong influence on the male force. published on a regular basis This dish is very simple, but on the Libido, with immediate effect.


Greek men are convinced that before a Rendezvous, please drink a glass of carrot juice — otherwise the pleasure of the partner to deliver, will not work. This conviction is not without logic: carrots contain a lot of Beta-carotene. This substance has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels and helps to develop endurance.


The Japanese are convinced that the salad of grated radish has a direct impact on the potency. Therefore, you will eat regularly of this useful vegetable as raw and pickled. It is rich in Beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, folic acid, and phosphorus — the perfect combination for the health of men.


Flounder is rich in Vitamin B12, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, D and E. In addition, natural aphrodisiacs are, in this fish, that it is the best dish for a romantic dinner — guaranteed to be an interesting sequel.


Quail or chicken eggs — a wonderful source of good cholesterol, Protein, vitamins, and All of this is necessary for the male power, so do not neglect omelets on the menu.


Red meat is an essential product for men that is rich in protein and Vitamin B12. In any case, fat and fried meat should not be abused, but it should be present in the food.


Chicken and veal offal are rich in zinc, selenium, vitamins E and A — almost like an overseas oysters. But in contrast to the expensive shellfish, offal on the market can buy for a few cents. Double use: you can also save money and man eat useful product.


Black Chocolate

Lovers of dark chocolate can boast of a good erection, so this delicacy can offer your man. The consumption of chocolate increases the endorphins — hormones of joy, creates a sense of calm and security. All of this has a very positive effect on the interest in the other gender.

Now you know a complete list of useful products for men. In order to increase the effectiveness, you must be there regularly, which is the result sustainable. A large selection allows a large number of food cooking, so that you don't problems with a daily menu.

Dishes, increase potency

You should not think that the preparation of the dishes, which makes them useful for the male, is a lot of effort and time. Usually they are very simple and does not require the skills of the chefs. If you are guaranteed fixed it in your menu, then the harmony in the private sphere of family life.

Vitamin Salad

  • 1 small radish
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 Apple
  • Olive oil

All of the ingredients, the rasp you need and flavor of olive oil. On request, you can use lemon juice. This salad is particularly useful in the Winter — it is rich in Vitamin C, which protects against colds.

Tomato sauce

  • 500 grams of tomato trade winds (pureed tomatoes) or the Bank of canned tomatoes in own juice
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • Olive oil
  • 1 TSP dry Basil
  • Ground black pepper, to taste
  • 1 Teaspoon Of Salt
  • 1 Teaspoon Of Sugar
  • Half A Cup Of Water

Let the garlic masher, or will be, and lightly fry in olive oil. Add the Passata or tomatoes and mix. Add water, spices, salt and sugar. Sugar necessary — it makes the Sauce sweet, and just the acid from the tomatoes will. This Sauce is ideal for Pizza or Pasta is a true Italian recipe!

Fried plaice with lemon and garlic

  • Flounder
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • A couple of cloves of garlic

Plaice, it is necessary to clean, RUB inside and out with salt and pepper, wrap in aluminum foil and bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes. During this time, mix the juice of half a lemon with the garlic and give it brew the mixture. Finished fish houses, pour garlic-lemon Sauce.

This recipe from Montenegro. Just as you eat the fish in this country.

French Onion Soup

  • 3-4 large onions
  • 20 Grams Of Butter
  • 1 Liter Of Broth
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Yesterday's Baton
  • Grated Cheese

Rings, the onion half, and his carcass in Butter until they are Golden brown. Take your time — when the onion promontory, then the soup is spoiled. If the onions in a desired state, in the waffle iron, a Liter of broth, add salt and pepper. Give the soup stand on low heat for 15 minutes, and remove from heat. Yesterday's Baton into pieces, add the grated cheese and place in oven until you appetite appear Golden-brown crust. Serve the soup with Croutons, bon appétit! French onion soup is easy. If you want to diversify it, you can replace half of the broth and white wine. The alcohol evaporates during cooking.

Ginger Drink

Ginger Drink

  • A piece of fresh ginger the size of the Phalanx of the finger
  • 2 Slices Of Lemon
  • 1-2 Teaspoons Of Honey
  • 500 Milliliters Of Water

Ginger must be grated, boiling water, and leave under the lid for 15-20 minutes. In the warm broth of lemon and add honey — ready to be enjoyed. This drink is good hot, cold in the evening and helps heal faster when cold. For a change, ginger with mint leaves brewed may be, and for lovers of sharp — a small piece of chili peppers.

What else helps to restore the potency?

Now you know what products to increase potency in men, do you have a list of recipes from you, but you can still help to feel the man's back as the boy? Need sports, of light and weight reduction.

Cardio is good for the heart and blood vessels, but this does not mean that you will escape in the gym. A walk through the Park or just a few stops to walk, the perfect influence on the sexual function. And swim Fans can try in the Pool — it is thanks to value not only the heart but also the back way. Maybe a man for the soul of table tennis? You can play, along with his wife, because common Hobbies to strengthen the marriage. The second point is the continuation of the first. If men are overweight — this has a negative influence on the erection. Therefore, it is better to reduce it — this would be not only for the reproductive organs, but also for the General state of the organism.

Light is an important part of male health, because without light in the body begins to produce the hormone Melatonin, which signals that it was time to go to sleep, and blocks the Libido. So it pays more often to occur day on the street, open the curtains, and ignited a bright light in the evening, the intimate life will improve much faster.